ELSA för elprovplats in english (ABB)
1 kursdag
4 700 kr exkl. moms
This training is the main option for staff who only perform work on the test site / test room at ABB. The course is based on the adapted European standard SS-EN 50191, "Installation and maintenance of electrical test equipment".
Here you will learn about staff requirements, practical risk management and testing procedures. After the course, you can work safely in both the laboratory and electrical test sites.
Electrical testing is an activity that is often conducted under special circumstances. This entails an increased risk of both personal injury and property damage. In order to achieve satisfactory safety, it is important to know the current rules for working with electrical test equipment.
1 kursdag
Kursen är ej datumsatt, genomförs på begäran.
Course content
- The danger of electricity
- Why do accidents happen?
-Risk management
- Electrical hazard, shock flicks and arcs
- Damage effects, short- and long-term
- The importance of medical examinations - Electrical safety legislation
- Laws, regulations, regulations and standards of electrical safety, current rules and the most important changes
- Organization - clarity of responsibilities and duties
- The role of the electrical safety manager – obligations and expectations - Standard SS-EN 50191, Setup and care of electrical testing equipment
- Set-up of test installations
- Personnel requirements
- Test procedure
- Work
- Working methods with a focus on the work without and close to voltage
Knowledge control
- Work
Internal course
This course can be given at your company. Contact Andreas Carlsson for more information and price.
Peter är auktoriserad installatör som delar sin tid mellan uppdrag som föreläsare inom elteknik och elsäkerhet, och som elinstallatör i eget elinstallationsföretag.
Klas-Göran är civilingenjör inom kraftelektroteknik, ordförande i TK78 och har deltagit i den internationella arbetsgruppen som omarbetat EN 50110-1. Mångårig och uppskattad föreläsare på STF.
The course fee is including course documentation and lunch (if not otherwise stated).
Read our general terms here.