EBR-ESA-E1 Electrical work in english
1 day
9 600 kr exkl. moms
This training is the main alternative for contractors and ABB staff where ESA competence is required of operators.
1 day
9 600 kr exkl. moms
Start 12 maj 08:15
Slut 13 maj 16:30
Har du frågor om kursen?
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Innehåll i kurs
- Electrical danger
- Our mutual experience and knowledge
- What are the requirements for working with electricity? ESA Functions
- Safe communication
- Risk management
- Planning and implementation of the work
- Safety measure and working procedures
When participants register for the training, the personal data will be stored in a database. The data will be handled by STF Ingenjörsutbildningar AB and Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy AB) in order to administer and assure the quality of the education. The training is part of Energiföretagen Sverige – Swedenergy– AB venture Wattitude. The energy companies will therefore at a later stage obtain approval from the person who attends the training in order for them to:
1. get a certificate that shows that they have passed
2. become searchable as certified on wattityd.energiforetagen.se - Test
Denna kurs kan genomföras på plats hos er! Kontakta Andreas Carlsson för mer information samt prisuppgift.
This course concept is part of Wattityd, Energiföretagen Sverige's initiative to package and manage safety-related operations. This means, among other things, that teachers and the education provider have been approved by Energiföretagen Sverige. In the course fee, there is included a fee to Wattityd of SEK 995 per participant, which also includes digital documentation and certificate management. The fee is invoiced together with the course fee.