PICW in English
1 kursdag
4 400 kr excl. VAT
The aim of the training is to understand the function of electrical safety manager with the tasks that are part of an electrical safety organization.
1 kursdag
4 400 kr excl. VAT
Start 13 mars 08:15
End 13 mars 16:30
Start 14 mars 08:15
End 14 mars 16:30
Do you have questions about the course?
Contact me and I will be happy to answer your questions.

Kursens mål
After completing the training, you will be able to:
- Have an understanding of the electrical safety manager's responsibilities at work.
- Explain who else you have to work with as an electrical safety manager.
- Describe the process for risk management and electrical safety planning before work begins.
- Carry out risk management and take the necessary protective measures.
- Describe and manage the formal documents included in the management of electrical work.
The training is teacher-led where parts of the time are devoted to exercises. As a participant, you contribute to the training day through a lively dialogue where experiences and questions are shared.
Innehåll i kurs
- Division of work for work where electrical risks are present.
- Procedures for work where electrical hazards exist.
- Risk management at work.
- Seven Steps
- Protective equipment
- Laws, standards and instructions.
Everything according to instruction 8DAD1000291 and PICW AA111, SS-EN 50110, SS-EN50191
The training is aimed at you who will act as an electrical safety manager. It is also good for those who need to understand the electrical safety conductor function in general.
Completed training in ELSA, ELSA for electrical testing site or ESA for specialist. It is assumed that the prior knowledge is up-to-date and that the future electrical safety manager can be said to reach the level of expert for his intended tasks.

Anders bakgrund är i första hand som drift- och underhållstekniker inom transmission och distribution samt några år som ”vattenkraftsmaskinist”, som han själv uttrycker det. Under många år har han även arbetat med konstruktion av el- och kontrollsystem samt automationsprogrammering till vattenkraftanläggningar. Anders har också arbetat mycket med idrifttagning så väl inom som utom Sverige.
Innan Anders slutade som anställd arbetade han som elsäkerhetsspecialist på ett industriföretag inom kraftindustrin. I dag är han konsult med ett flertal olika långsiktiga uppdrag. Dels som arbetsmiljöspecialist med fokus på elsäkerhet på en forskningsverksamhet inom kraftindustrin, dels som utbildare på flera yrkeshögskolor där han i första hand utbildar inom elsäkerhet och elkraftunderhåll. Även andra uppdrag förekommer med fokus på elarbetsmiljö och anläggningssäkerhet.

Peter is an authorized installer who divides his time between assignments as a lecturer in electrical engineering and electrical safety, and as an electrical installer in his own electrical installation company.
The course fee includes coffee, lunch and documentation (if not otherwise stated).
Read our general terms here.