Purpose of the course

After the course, you who work in industrial electrical installations as well as electrical installations in homes etc. have learned to prevent electrical accidents by applying the adapted safety instructions ELSA. The course ends with a final exam where participants receive a personal certificate after passing the result.

Content of the course

  • Electrical hazard
    - Statistics
    - In the event of an accident
    - Protective clothing

  • Organization
    - Responsibilities and work tasks

  • Electrical regulations – a short introduction
    - Regulations and standards, current and changes

  • Electrical safety in work activity
    - Risk management
    - Electrical safety planning
    - Operation and work with focus on dead work (AUS) and work in the vicinity of live parts (ANS)
    - The proprietors requirements
    - Nominated person in control of a work activity
    - Operation-related measures

  • Test