ELSA puts the electrical safety and the employees first

Our well-proven electrical safety course ELSA (Electrical Safety at Work) is part of our ongoing work to promote electrical safety. Everyone has the right to come home safely after a day's work! The course follows the course plan developed by STF Ingenjörsutbildning for electrically safe work in electrical installations and is based on the standard SS EN 50110–1. Andreas Carlsson, head of training electricity & industry, is proud that STF also offers ELSA in English for employees who has another native language than Swedish.
- Why should you take the ELSA course?
– All employees who are involved in tasks that may involve electrical hazards benefit from electrical safety training. It is about reducing the risk of personal injury due to current flow or the effect of a short circuit or electric arc. If you are going to visit an electrical installation, it is important to be able to make a correct risk assessment based on different situations in order to reduce the risk of damage. Many employees are not aware that the electrical safety manager can deny access if they, for example, are not wearing the correct clothing or have the correct equipment.
What makes ELSA in English different from the regular ELSA?
– The English ELSA course is almost a direct translation of the Swedish version. The difference at present is that the regulations have changed since the Swedish book was updated. New regulations came into effect from the first of December 2022. We have developed a completely new book for ELSA in English with updated information.

Why is it important to keep track of electrical safety in general?
– It is relevant to being able to work safely and to be confident in being able to perform one's work in the right way. By knowing how to handle electrical safety at work, you can avoid putting yourself or others at risk. It is not only electricians who go out to the electrical facilities, it can be anything from programmers to administrators. Unfortunately several accidents occurs each year due to misunderstandings or carelessness. It could be that you failed to follow regulations or a standard or thought that someone else had set up protective measures which then turned out not to have been set up.
What effects can it have in the organization after taking this training?
– By being educated about electrical safety, you gain a greater insight into the types of dangers that exist when accessing an electrical installation. You also get a better understanding of how you can protect yourself and others, but also what relevant questions you can ask about the subject in order to understand different situations better. Many underestimate how dangerous the work environment can be. All in all, this provides a safer working environment and allows serious damage to people, facilities and equipment to be avoided.
Which participants is the course intended for and what prior knowledge do they need?
– Anyone who is in contact with an electrical installation in any way or performs actions on or near electrical installations benefits from the knowledge from the ELSA course. This applies to electrical installations from low voltage to high voltage.
ELSA in English is the electrical safety course for employees who has another native language than Swedish. The course is for anyone who works in, or with, industrial electrical installations, electrical installations in homes and similar installations. After completing the course, the participants have good knowledge of how to prevent accidents by using the adapted safety instructions ELSA.
Du är varmt välkommen att kontakta Andreas Carlsson för mer information om hur vi kan hjälpa dig och din organisation: 076-540 07 78 alt. andreas.carlsson@stf.se.
Texten är skriven av: Ida Viberg (föräldraledig) , Content Creator inom samhällsbyggnad